
Innoviz Technologies举办为期三天的全球分销商峰会

Innoviz Technologies
2022-11-11 09:00 4732


  • Innoviz举办首届全球分销商峰会( Global Distributor Summit)并着手量产 InnovizOne 以应对汽车与非汽车市场的强劲需求
  • Innoviz将于11月14日至17日在以色列新总部举办为期三天的全球经销商峰会,广邀欧洲、北美、日本、台湾、南韩等地伙伴与分销商共襄盛举。峰会包含战略、产品、销售等议程,以促成采购及将InnovizOne整合到不同的行业应用。

以色列特拉维夫2022年11月11日 /美通社/ -- Innoviz Technologies(Nasdaq:INVZ) (以下称 "公司 "或 "Innoviz")为高效能固态激光雷达(LiDAR)传感器与感知软件的技术领导厂商,该公司宣布将大幅扩充其产品功能,近期将举办全球分销商峰会,协助采购与整合InnovizOne激光雷达产品。此次峰会将于2022年11月14至17日在位于以色列的新总部举行,并将支持InnovizOne激光雷达从2022年第4季度开始在非汽车市场的销售,并在2023年逐渐提高产量。

Recent Innoviz deployments have led to global partnerships ranging from InnovizOne LiDAR installations in smart cities and ports, and for heavy machinery and geospatial mapping amongst other non-automotive applications
Recent Innoviz deployments have led to global partnerships ranging from InnovizOne LiDAR installations in smart cities and ports, and for heavy machinery and geospatial mapping amongst other non-automotive applications


Innoviz Distributor Summit, November 14-17
Innoviz Distributor Summit, November 14-17

InnovizOne 是Innoviz首款高端汽车激光雷达产品,该系列产品在推出不久就为公司赢得两项定点合作 。InnovizOne 最近在两处生产基地的生产线开始量产。第一处是密歇根州Holly 市的生产线,这处Magna 拥有的工厂为2023年上市的BMW 7 系列车型生产零件。第二处是位于德国代工厂的生产线,专门支持自主接驳车项目 ,合作对象包括某一线Tier1公司与其他客户。为了推出这两个汽车项目,Innoviz 进行了严格的稳定化、生产、以及流程改进等工作。这些改进已覆盖InnovizOne所有生产线,而且有助于未来促成包括InnovizTwo 与 Innoviz360在内的新产品加速增产。

凭借在汽车市场的规模、成熟度、以及产品质量,InnovizOne还能将版图拓展至非汽车市场应用,例如智慧交通节点、安保、基础设施监视、起重机、建筑、自动导引车(AGV)、重型机械、农业、港口、无人机、以及售后市场。此外,InnovizOne还可作为汽车与非汽车市场的真值传感器(ground truth sensor),用来验证其他激光雷达与传感器(例如摄像头、雷达等)。产品升级让Innoviz除了提高在汽车与非汽车市场的竞争力,同时还扩展额外的营收机会。

Innoviz共同创始人暨CEO Omer Keilaf表示,非常欢迎我们伙伴与全球分销商参与这三日的高峰会,期盼共同拓展InnovizOne产品在各领域的业务。通过加速产品升级,我们将能满足非汽车市场持续成长的需求,缩短从订货到出货的时程,同时也能满足服务我们的汽车市场客户。产业化是激光雷达发展的重要关键,我们持续推动自动化与改进生产线,藉以维持竞争的领先优势。

Innoviz 建构的生态系包含超过30家遍布北美、亚太、欧洲、中东、非洲等地的伙伴和分销商。藉由广邀持续扩增的全球经销商生态系统参与为期三天的峰会,Innoviz期盼进一步促进激光雷达作为高分辨且耐用的产品,以应对各种汽车与非汽车使用场景。Innoviz呼吁更多伙伴与分销商加入生态系,在全球各地加速采用InnovizOne及其解决方案。

Innoviz 首席业务官 Tali Chen 表示,我们充分认识到分销商凭借其区域和特定领域的知识为业务拓展带来的巨大价值。我们很高兴与分销商分享 InnovizOne 如何使非汽车市场受益的远景,并通过全球分销商峰会为合作增长和成功发展做好准备。

欢迎成为Innoviz 激光雷达分销商或伙伴并参与全球分销商峰会,请email 联系。中国合作伙伴由于新疫情管控无法前来参与盛会。

关于 Innoviz Technologies

Innoviz 为 LiDAR 技术的全球领导者,致力于在全球道路上打造安全的自动驾驶汽车未来。 Innoviz 的 LiDAR 和感知软件比人类驾驶员"看得更清楚"并减少出错可能,满足汽车行业对性能和安全性的最严格期望。Innoviz 在美国、欧洲和亚洲拓展业务,并已被国际知名的顶级汽车品牌选用于乘用车,同时获其他商业和工业领导者采用于广泛的应用。更多信息请访问

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Maya Lustig                                                 
Innoviz Technologies
+972 54 677 8100

Forward Looking Statements

This announcement contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws, including statements regarding the services offered by Innoviz, the anticipated technological capability of Innoviz’s products, the markets in which Innoviz operates and Innoviz's projected future results. These forward-looking statements generally are identified by the words "believe," "project," "expect," "anticipate," "estimate," "intend," "strategy," "future," "opportunity," "plan," "may," "should," "will," "would," "will be," "will continue," "will likely result," and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements are predictions, projections and other statements about future events that are based on current expectations and assumptions and, as a result, are subject to risks and uncertainties. Many factors could cause actual future events to differ materially from the forward-looking statements in this announcement, including but not limited to, the ability to implement business plans, forecasts, and other expectations, the ability to identify and realize additional opportunities, and potential changes and developments in the highly competitive LiDAR technology and related industries. The foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. You should carefully consider the foregoing factors and the other risks and uncertainties described in Innoviz’s annual report on Form 20-F filed with the SEC on April 21, 2021, and other documents filed by Innoviz from time to time with the SEC. These filings identify and address other important risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements, and Innoviz assumes no obligation and does not intend to update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. Innoviz gives no assurance that it will achieve its expectations. 


消息来源:Innoviz Technologies