北京2021年2月23日 /美通社/ -- Analog Devices, Inc. (Nasdaq: ADI)和沃尔沃汽车公司宣布,沃尔沃汽车公司的首款纯电动SUV -- 沃尔沃XC40 Recharge -- 将采用ADI的集成电路(IC)提供电池管理系统(BMS)和汽车音频总线 (A2B®)功能。这些先进技术不仅可以减轻车辆重量并充分延长行驶里程,让电动汽车的总成本更具吸引力,同时也支持可持续发展的未来需求。
沃尔沃XC40 P8 Recharge入围了2021年北美年度风云车、卡车和多用途车大奖(NACTOY)的多用途车类别半决赛。NACTOY奖项主要授予在创新、设计、安全、操控、驾驶员满意度和价值方面表现出色的车型。这些奖项旨在表彰本年度性能优异的新车型。
沃尔沃汽车公司电力推进解决方案经理Lutz Stiegler表示:“BMS性能对于电动XC40 Recharge实现其无声但强大、零碳排放、安全无忧的驾驶体验承诺至关重要。我们对首款纯电动SUV的每个环节和部件都进行了深入思考和研究,确保每次充电的续航里程更长,车辆的使用寿命更久,驾驶更安心,同时总成本更低。”
此外,基于ADI公司A2B和SHARC®音频处理器的音频解决方案不仅提供沉浸式座舱体验,而且支持可持续发展趋势。身临其境的音效、降噪和语音等音频新功能逐渐成为汽车的标配,同时也带来严峻的布线挑战。ADI的解决方案使音频系统能够连接到低延时总线架构中,不仅能保证音频的高保真度,还可在车内减轻多达50公斤的线缆和绝缘装置。这种组合在XC40 Recharge等电动汽车中尤为重要,因为重量的减轻可直接转化为行驶里程的增加。
ADI公司汽车事业部副总裁Patrick Morgan表示:“电动汽车是未来的发展趋势,这个市场正在显著增长,预计到2025年,全电动汽车销量将达到1000万辆。 我们致力于与所有合作伙伴一道,持续提供创新技术,引领汽车行业走向可持续发展的未来。”
Analog Devices, Inc.是全球领先的高性能模拟技术公司,致力于解决最艰巨的工程设计挑战。凭借杰出的检测、测量、电源、连接和解译技术,搭建连接现实世界和数字世界的智能化桥梁,从而帮助客户重新认识周围的世界。详情请浏览ADI官网http://www.analog.com/Pr210223
汽车音频总线是Analog Devices, Inc.的注册商标。
SHARC是Analog Devices, Inc.的注册商标。
This release may contain forward-looking statements intended to qualify for the safe harbor from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements include, among other things, statements by Messrs. Stiegler and Morgan and other statements regarding the expected opportunities, utilization, benefits, product and service offerings and developments relating to ADI’s BMS and A2B technologies that are based on current expectations, beliefs, assumptions, estimates, forecasts, and projections about the industry and markets in which the companies operate. The statements contained in this release are not guarantees of future performance, are inherently uncertain, involve certain risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may differ materially from what is expressed in such forward-looking statements, and such statements should not be relied upon as representing Analog Devices' expectations or beliefs as of any date subsequent to the date of this press release. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results described, implied or projected in any forward-looking statements are included as risk factors as described in the most recent filings of Analog Devices with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Analog Devices does not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements made by us.