

ROQU Group
2020-12-23 20:13 5321
Health Passport Europe与Big Concerts和The Entertainment Group合作,在确保安全的情况下重新开放南非的演艺活动行业。

都柏林2020年12月23日 /美通社/ -- 总部位于爱尔兰的Health Passport Europe与Big Concerts和The Entertainment Group合作,利用新冠病毒快速检测和安全Health Passport Europe移动技术方面的最新发展,在确保安全的情况下重新开放南非的演艺活动行业。

The Health Passport Europe digital platform was deployed at this year’s RECHARGE 2020 event in Cape Town, South Africa, using latest COVID-19 testing and mobile technology as part of the safe re-opening of the live events sector.
The Health Passport Europe digital platform was deployed at this year’s RECHARGE 2020 event in Cape Town, South Africa, using latest COVID-19 testing and mobile technology as part of the safe re-opening of the live events sector.


The Health Passport Europe digital platform was deployed at this year’s RECHARGE 2020 event in Cape Town, South Africa, using latest COVID-19 testing and mobile technology as part of the safe re-opening of the live events sector.
The Health Passport Europe digital platform was deployed at this year’s RECHARGE 2020 event in Cape Town, South Africa, using latest COVID-19 testing and mobile technology as part of the safe re-opening of the live events sector.


The Health Passport Europe digital platform was deployed at this year’s RECHARGE 2020 event in Cape Town, South Africa, using latest COVID-19 testing and mobile technology as part of the safe re-opening of the live events sector.
The Health Passport Europe digital platform was deployed at this year’s RECHARGE 2020 event in Cape Town, South Africa, using latest COVID-19 testing and mobile technology as part of the safe re-opening of the live events sector.


The Health Passport Europe digital platform was deployed at this year’s RECHARGE 2020 event in Cape Town, South Africa, using latest COVID-19 testing and mobile technology as part of the safe re-opening of the live events sector.
The Health Passport Europe digital platform was deployed at this year’s RECHARGE 2020 event in Cape Town, South Africa, using latest COVID-19 testing and mobile technology as part of the safe re-opening of the live events sector.

12月21日,现场音乐活动《RECHARGE 2020》在南非开普敦的Grand Café & Beach场馆举行,期间上演了多场现场演奏活动和DJ助兴。 整场活动的最终安全落幕,成为标志着现场演艺活动将在2021年广泛重开的重要敲门砖。


Health Passport Europe的工作原理 

在2020年RECHARGE活动开始之前,包括职员在内的所有参与者都必须免费下载并安装Health Passport Europe移动应用。活动当天,每个人都要在入场前使用最新的快速抗原检测进行新冠检测,这些检测方法已在南非通过验证。


结果将在检测的20分钟内私密而安全地更新到相关人员的Health Passport Europe应用中。入场时,安保人员能够快速扫描每个人的门票和Health Passport Europe应用,只有新冠肺炎检测结果为阴性的人员才可以进入场馆,从而确保将所有人的传播风险降至最低。活动现场的所有人也都遵循有关新冠疫情的卫生指南。


Big Concerts的首席执行官Justin Van Wyk表示:“对于因疫情遭受重创的活动产业来说,这是一个重要时刻。通过使用Health Passport Europe平台,本次活动最大程度地降低了感染风险,展示出全球现场活动的前进方向。该系统让我们能够提供活动前和活动后的检测,确保最大程度的安心,保护参与者、表演者以及与活动相关的所有人。”

Health Passport Europe创始人Robert Quirke说:“能在开普敦开展这个项目,并为安全重开国际娱乐和旅游业做出贡献,我们的团队既兴奋又谨慎。这项安全技术设计用于配合所有官方新冠肺炎检测和疫苗使用。已经有成千上万的人开始使用这个移动系统,它正在帮助行业复工。”

Health Passport Europe平台已被许多提供新冠肺炎检测服务的领先医药组织采用。这项技术已通过所有试验和开发,并已在包括医疗、物流、酒店业、教育和疗养院等在内的不同行业进行了广泛测试,并在都柏林机场进行了试运行。


Health Passport Europe系统被设计成一个安全的系统,让人们可以存储和显示官方认证的新冠肺炎疫苗接种或检测状态。它是面向所有行业和公众的通用国际平台。

消息来源:ROQU Group