
Alliance Laundry Systems推出新一代Primus和IPSO洗衣机

Alliance Laundry Systems
2020-05-26 17:17 8949

威斯康星州里彭2020年5月26日 /美通社/ -- 商用洗衣设备制造领域的全球领导者Alliance Laundry Systems,在其一系列创新中的又推出了一项新成果 -- 一款能够进行触摸屏控制、具备完全连通性选项,适用于Primus和IPSO机型的新一代洗衣机。触摸屏控制平台不仅能为自助洗衣店客户带来非凡的多功能性,还有助于减少接触点 -- 在COVID-19传播之际,所有人都认为这是一大利好。


Primus presents the new FX soft-mount washer extractor range with innovative touch screen XControl Flex control platform. Combined with i-Trace monitoring solution, this new solution enables on-premises laundry managers or laundromat owners to monitor their operations anywhere they are.
Primus presents the new FX soft-mount washer extractor range with innovative touch screen XControl Flex control platform. Combined with i-Trace monitoring solution, this new solution enables on-premises laundry managers or laundromat owners to monitor their operations anywhere they are.

Alliance Laundry Systems欧洲、中东和非洲地区首席商务官罗科-迪巴里(Rocco di Bari)表示:“Alliance一直都将卫生和性能放在创新的最前沿。今天,我们有信心为本地洗衣和自助洗衣市场,提供具有最直观、性能最佳的控制解决方案与业务监测功能的洗衣机系列。”

尽管直观的触摸屏界面已迅速成为常态,但Primus和IPSO控件将使该技术更上一层楼,特别是对自助洗衣店客户而言。新一代洗衣机及控制器在XControl FLEX (Primus)和Evolis (IPSO)机型上使用,让客户能够定制具有额外清洗、漂洗和消毒等特殊洗涤周期(由用户自行设定)的功能,其结果是,通过直观的屏幕提示和选项,客户可以更好的控制其清洁水平(这一点在COVID-19危机期间至关重要),而洗衣店店主能够通过追加销售高附加值选项,来提高盈利能力。

此外,通过洗衣管理系统i-Trace (Primus)和IPSO Connect的连接,使自助洗衣店所有者拥有更大的控制权,以尽可能低的拥有成本经营他们的业务。




IPSO presents the new IY softmount washer range, equipped with the new Evolis touch screen control platform, and IPSO Connect a powerful digital monitoring solution for both on-premises laundry and Vend laundry application.
IPSO presents the new IY softmount washer range, equipped with the new Evolis touch screen control platform, and IPSO Connect a powerful digital monitoring solution for both on-premises laundry and Vend laundry application.
消息来源:Alliance Laundry Systems