上海2019年10月31日 /美通社/ -- 2008年以状元秀的身份被家乡球队选中,却在2016年被芝加哥抛弃;2011年成为联盟史上最年轻的MVP,却在后来接连被伤病困扰;2011年联盟特别设立“罗斯条款” 增加工资上限,而他自己却在2018年签下底薪合同;2010年他曾自问 “为什么我不能成为MVP?” ,却在2019年面对粉丝“MVP”的呼声时坦言“我不再是了”;当每个人都认为罗斯与联盟渐行渐远的时候,他拿下了50分宣告自己命不由天。
当地时间2018年10月31日的那场比赛中,罗斯得到了50分;一年后,阿迪达斯篮球发售这双有特别纪念意义的鞋款 -- D ROSE 9 NOT DONE YET,用以致敬他在拿到50分当晚的优异表现。而作为一周年纪念,罗斯也将在当地时间2019年10月30日的比赛中上脚这双有特殊意义的D ROSE 9 NOT DONE YET鞋款。
D ROSE 9 NOT DONE YET鞋款将在全球限量发售3778双,以此致敬罗斯在得到50分之前在联盟度过的3778天。鞋面使用针织材料,线条排列错落有致,兼具透气性与设计感。该鞋款后跟的罗斯个人LOGO与“50”,“NOT DONE YET”等镂空文字交错排列,诠释“永不妥协”的“玫瑰精神”。球鞋中底使用全掌Bounce,搭配流线型纹路与泼墨外观,提供灵敏迅捷的运动表现与舒适贴合的减震效果。黑白迷彩风格的橡胶外底则增强了球鞋的耐用性及瞬间启动能力。
在中国大陆地区发售的每双D ROSE 9 NOT DONE YET鞋款都会附赠一个特别定制的鞋盒,鞋盒采用黑灰色硬纸板包装,内部以一封信的形式呈现罗斯在中国行期间对球迷说的话[①],是罗斯对自己这么多年来面对磨难仍保持积极乐观的真情流露。今年夏天的中国行期间,罗斯在北京的采访中形容自己“命不由天”,这句话也体现在了鞋盒侧面。鞋盒底部还印有罗斯书写的50分这场比赛的经典语录:“I worked my ass off, bro”。
D ROSE 9 NOT DONE YET鞋款将于2019年11月11日于阿迪达斯天猫旗舰店、阿迪达斯微信小程序和各大线下门店[②]发售。建议零售价为899元。欲了解更多信息请登录adidas.com.cn/basketball;关注@adidasBasketball 官方微博参加讨论。
D Rose:
I could try to explain who I am, what defines me as a player or person, like I know I’m imperfect, I know that I’m not flawless, and some areas, I know I have weaknesses in other areas, and I know that through this process of life. You need others to help you along the journey. And along this journey, I feel like I was vulnerable in the way to allow people be in my life to help me and that help came from friends, family, of course my fans, and the support that I get. And through that, I try to express myself in the way of showing positive energy, and that comes out in a way of, media express in a way of playing basketball. When you see me play, that’s me expressing my personality, that’s me expressing how thankful I’m to be in the position that I am in. And for the people that love me, like, that’s my way of saying just thanks, and I didn’t realize that until now. So throughout all this, I always try to stay or remain myself, and stay true to who I am or what I believe in.
All sneakers are cheering, showing love and showing the passion to everybody that going through something, cuz that’s everybody. So, through it all, I just want you to know that I understand, I feel everything, I understand people, it turned a lot of it. But it all comes from a place knowing that like….. We all need each other, and I wouldn’t be here right now if it weren’t for you all. So, thank you!
[①] 详见附录1
[②] 详见附录2