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Stokke简介 <\/b><\/p> \n

Stokke于1932年创立于挪威西海岸的港口城市奥勒松(Ålesund),专注于高端婴童用品及家具,产品包括成长椅、婴儿童车、婴儿背带、 儿童家具、儿童游戏桌及充气床等,其设计强调合乎人体工学、独特性和多功能性,成长型的全屋解决方案让陪伴无处不在。<\/p> \n

由 Peter Opsvik 设计的标志性 Tripp Trapp® 成长椅是最能体现Stokke设计精神的作品。这把可以随着成长而不断变化并且适用于各个年龄阶段的座椅,开创了成长型儿童家 具的先河。Stokke 的 Tripp Trapp®成长椅在欧洲制造,在全球已累计售出 1500 多万把,也深受中国家庭的喜爱。2022 年,Tripp Trapp®成长椅迎来了 50 周年庆典。<\/p> \n

Stokke 致力于促进家庭亲子关系,呵护幼儿健康成长,通过 "Here We Grow" 的品牌理念为孩子提供更好的人生起点,鼓励孩子们自立自信地长大。来自 Stokke 的产品均扎根于可持续发展、专业设计和儿童健康成长的核心价值,鼓励陪伴孩子一起成长,为每一阶成长而备。<\/p> \n

通过以下平台,可获得更多<\/u><\/b>Stokke资讯:<\/u><\/b><\/p> \n

小红书官方账号:STOKKE<\/p> \n

抖音官方账号:StokkeChina<\/p> \n

微信公众账号:Stokkebaby<\/p> \n

微博平台:StokkeChina<\/p> \n

About Stokke<\/b><\/p> \n

Stokke was founded in Ålesund, on the west coast of Norway, in 1932. The first product for children was launched in 1972 - the iconic Tripp Trapp®<\/sup> chair designed by Peter Opsvik - and celebrated its 50th<\/sup> anniversary in 2022. The chair is made in Europe and has sold more than 15 million chairs globally. It is also favored by Chinese families.<\/p> \n

Focused on providing children with the best start in life, Stokke works to encourage children to become self-reliant and confident learners about life. The Stokke   family of products all adhere to our core values of sustainability, design, and child development and focus on providing children with the best start in life. Everything we make at Stokke is designed to grow along with you and your family.<\/p> \n

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