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关于美国加州巴旦木协会<\/b><\/p> \n

加州巴旦木协会(Almond Board of California),简称ABC,是由美国国会1950年成立的一个非营利的行业协会,受美国农业部监管。协会的使命是为美国巴旦木的生产、加工及市场推广创造有益的行业环境。ABC的主要职能包括:对营养、生产和种植环境的科学研究;确保食品质量和食品安全的措施;对市场准入的监督以及行业资料的统计分析和传播。加州巴旦木协会代表的是在加州地区的7600户种植户以及101家左右的加工商,致力于通过市场营销、资助和促进有关巴旦木健康益处的研究,向国内外受众推广加州巴旦木。ABC在全球将近 100 个国家市场中不参与销售及与销售有关的任何行为。<\/p> \n

About the Almond Board of California<\/span> (ABC)<\/b><\/p> \n

The Almond Board of California<\/span> (ABC), established in 1950, is a non-profit industry association regulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Its mission is to expand global consumption of California<\/span> almonds through leadership in strategic market development, innovative research, and the accelerated adoption of industry best practices. The Board now engages in production, nutrition, and market research; advertising and promotion in domestic and international markets; and quality control and statistical analysis. Representing about 7,600 growers and 101 processors in California<\/span>, ABC is dedicated to promoting California<\/span> almonds to a domestic and international audience both through marketing efforts and by funding and promoting studies about almonds' health benefits, as well as ensuring sustainable agricultural practices and food safety. As a Federal Marketing Order, it is important to note that the Board is not involved with, and is expressly prohibited from, setting field and market prices.<\/p> \n

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